1 min read

What is The Briefing?

Thank you for asking! This is a newsletter about technology and politics, through an Irish lens. It is about two big theses of how tech and politics come together on this beautiful island of ours:

  1. That technology is having a profound effect on our democracy, and this is worth examining. And,
  2. That the technology industry in Ireland is a political issue, both here, but also across the EU and wider world.

These are two issues that I have been working on for the best part of a decade, and that I am lucky enough to get to comment on in media and through advisory work. The idea behind this newsletter is to create space for deeper discussion on these topics, by me and hopefully by some guest contributors too.

The "brief" in briefing is a deliberate choice - posts will be short and data driven where possible. When you subscribe, you can expect a 200-500 word note in your inbox about every 2 weeks, with more posts arriving in moments that call for them.

So if you care about Irish democracy, and what things like the AI revolution might mean for it; and if you are interested in Ireland's role as the de facto regulator for the internet (and what that means for our national economic model), follow along - subscribe and spread the word.